In the days leading up to the official launch of the OnePlus 10T on August 3, the company has revealed many new details about the upcoming flagship phone, including info about the design and colors. In images released by the company, we see that the OnePlus 10T looks a lot like its predecessor — the OnePlus 10 Pro. But the key difference is that there is no alert slider this time, nor do we see the Hasselblad branded-camera system that is usually found on OnePlus phones. In an interview with The Verge (opens in new tab), OnePlus confirmed that the 10T will go with a 50-megapixel Sony IMX766 sensor instead of Hasselblad. The decision apparently came down to pricing. The alert slider was a key feature of OnePlus phones — but the company says it was a “necessary trade-off” to make space for new technology like “high wattage charging, a large battery capacity and better antenna signal” and keep the device slim. One way OnePlus says it has kept the device slim is by laying out the motherboard in the 10T, rather than having it stacked up. OnePlus has increased the layout utilization rate of the device’s motherboard to 78% (up from their standard of 74%).
OnePlus 10T: Design and colors
The 10T does look pretty sleek with a design language that is strikingly similar to the OnePlus 10 Pro. The company says they want their two phones to look like they belong to the same family and have done this intentionally. The back of the 10T sports the same camera module and layout as the 10 Pro. There is a new “crater” design where the device’s rear glass panel merges with its camera system. OnePlus says it uses a heat bending glass technology to give the 10T a smooth curvature. The OnePlus 10T will come in two colors: Moonstone Black and Jade Green. The Moonstone Black variant has a rough textured glass (with rock-like striations) similar to the sandstone finish on the original OnePlus One. The black color has a matte finish. Jade Green is a fresh, near light green color that has a soft glass texture, which is reminiscent of ceramic.
OnePlus 10T gets two charging pumps
OnePlus seems to be targeting really fast charging speeds with the 10T. This time OnePlus has included not one but two “charging pumps” in the phone. For context, the OnePlus 10 Pro just had one and was capable of 80W fast charging.
OnePlus 10T: Improved antennas
OnePlus is staying cognizant of gamers who tilt their phone horizontally to play and have improved the antenna in the 10T for gaming. OnePlus claims the phone will deliver better signal performance with 15 separate antennas placed around the phone. OnePlus also revealed that the 10T will come with a 6.7-inch display. Going by the OnePlus 10 Pro, the screen could have a high refresh rate as well. The OnePlus 10T will have other high-end features like Qualcomm’s latest flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus chip. It remains to be seen what the price will be for the OnePlus 10T, what features it brings on the software front with OxygenOS 13 and if the company really manages to return to its flagship-killer roots.